Support the #tibialike sub-genre!

If you would like to support the #tibialike sub-genre, there are a few things you can do right now!
- Tag Games on Steam
- Join the mailing list
- Submit an Article
- Join us on Discord
- Donate

Tag #tibialike games on Steam

If you ever come across a #tibialike game on the steam store, add a user-defined tag for the product!
As of writing, the main #tibialike games listed on the steam store are:

Join the #tibialike mailing list

By default, the mailing list is exclusively for news relating to games that fit the strict #tibialike definition, however, if you also tick the #opentibia or #gamedev boxes, you will be kept up to date on the latest from those categories, too!

Submit an Article

Are you a writer, or think you might have what it takes to write some engaging content?
We would be happy to publish your articles provided they fit into the #tibialike theme. For example, you could review some #tibialike games or #opentibia games. Or perhaps write a game guide or development tutorial.
All user-submitted articles will be fully credited unless, of course, you wish to remain anonymous.
Articles can be written in html, markdown or a mix of both and will be proof-read prior to being published.
Articles can be sent directly to the editor.

Join us on Discord

The Discord invite link will be made public closer to the official opening of!

The ability to donate will be made available closer to the official opening of!
All donations go towards furthering the #tibialike sub-genre:

  • Sponsoring newsletters (you may not realize, but sending marketing emails that don’t go to spam isn’t free!)
  • Sponsoring competitions
  • Sponsoring development grants
  • Sponsoring engine and client development